Do you need heat in your garage? If so, then there are two choices. One is propane or natural gas and the other electric heaters. This article discusses the pros and cons of each kind of heater.
Electric Heaters for Garages
– They are cheaper than gas heaters.
– They can be used as much or more as you wish.
– They use less fuel per hour than gas heaters.
– They have a longer life span than gas heaters.
– They don’t emit harmful fumes.
– They are easy to install and operate.
– Some models have thermostats.
– They are easy to repair and maintain.
– They do not require a chimney.
– They are very quiet.
– They work well with air conditioning systems.
– They have low operating costs.
– They take up more space.
– They cost more to buy than gas heaters.
– Their installation requires extra wiring.
– They are more expensive to run.
– They can burn out easily if they overheat.
– They must be placed above the floor to work properly.
– They can only be installed on concrete floors.
– You may need a permit to install them.
– They require extra maintenance.
– You may need to replace them every few years.
– They cannot be installed in areas where there is no electricity.
– They have a shorter life span than gas heaters.
– There are some that are not safe for children.
The Pros outweigh the Cons when it comes to gas heaters. But, when it comes to choosing which type of heater to use, there is another consideration to take into account.
Which Type of Heater Is Right for My Garage?
You will want to choose an electric heater that matches your needs and budget. Here are some questions to ask yourself before making your final decision:
1) How many people live in my home?
2) How large is my home?
3) What is my budget?
4) Where is the best place to put the heater?
5) Do I plan on using the heater year round?
6) Am I planning to add windows to my garage?
7) Will I be adding any accessories such as lighting fixtures?
8) Are there any special requirements for installing the heater?
9) Have I ever had problems with gas heaters?
10) How long has this house been built?
11) How old is my gas furnace/heater?
12) Do I have a lot of electrical wires running through my garage?
13) Can I find one locally?
14) Does my neighborhood allow me to make modifications to the property?
15) What size does my heater need to be?
16) How do I know what size to get?
Answers to these questions will help you determine how big your heater should be. It will also give you an idea of what type of heater will fit best in your garage. Remember, that it is better to under-size your heater than to over-size it.
Here are some guidelines to follow when purchasing an electric heater to keep in mind:
Size Guidelines
If the garage is small or if you can’t find a model that fits the space, consider buying a portable electric heater. Portable electric heaters have wheels and can move from room to room in your house. The drawback to this option is that you must have a power source to move the heater around.
Medium Size Heater Recommendations
1) Smaller garages (less than 20′ x 25′) should use a medium sized heater that is about 6 feet tall and 3 feet wide.
2) Medium sized garages (20′ x 25′-30′) should use a medium sized heater that is about 9 feet tall and 4 feet wide.
3) Larger garages (greater than 30′) should use a larger heater that is about 15 feet tall and 5 feet wide.
When considering the size of your heater, keep in mind that it’s important to leave enough room for movement. A good rule of thumb is to leave at least six inches between the heater and the wall.
Some manufacturers recommend leaving 12″ – 18″ of clearance between your heater and the door opening.
Where Should Your Heater Be Installed?
Your first choice for placement is near the ceiling. The reason for this is because the heater heats the air near the ceiling first. So, by placing it high up in the air, you’ll get the most efficient heating possible. Next, choose a spot where the airflow will be drawn towards the heater. This means the air will flow directly over the top of the heater.
Another advantage of installing your heater near the ceiling is that you won’t have to worry about anyone bumping their head if they walk underneath the heater. And, it will be easier to reach the controls if necessary.
What About Placement Along the Walls?
There are some people who like to install their electric heaters along the walls. This works well if you’re trying to heat a room that doesn’t receive sunlight. It also makes it easier to control the temperature when you have multiple heaters in the same room. However, if you plan on having curtains for privacy, you’ll need to block the sun or place the heater far away from the window.
You might also want to consider installing your heater on the outside of the building. This allows the heat to enter the garage through the walls instead of through the roof, making it easier to cool off during the winter months.
If you decide to go with this option, be sure to place the heater as close as possible to the ceiling. In order to protect the heater itself, it’s best to place it against the wall and not flush against the ceiling.
How Many Heaters Should I Buy?
One heater is usually not going to cut it. If you are planning on using a single heater in your garage, you will want to purchase several types of heaters. A single heater will not provide enough heat to cover the entire area of the garage. Instead, you will need to install several heaters throughout the garage.
Heaters come in various shapes and sizes. Some are flat while others are cylindrical. There are even square shaped heaters available. Most heaters are made from aluminum or steel.
To save money, consider buying a number of smaller heaters rather than one larger one. The smaller units will have higher wattage ratings than the larger ones.
Most manufacturers offer heaters in both standard and high efficiency versions. Standard heaters have a rating of 500 watts or 1,500 watts. High efficiency heaters have a rating of 1000 watts or 2,000 watts.
The higher the wattage rating, the more effective the heater will be.
Now that you have learned all about the advantages and disadvantages of gas and electric heaters, you hopefully have a clearer understanding of which type of heater is right for your garage. To make the biggest impact, you’ll want to use a combination of heaters.
Have you taken the decision to purchase the electrical heaters? If yes then you must know about the various benefits that the use of the electrical heaters will provide. Even the person can keep an eye on the various factors that will help in choosing the best option. The person can plan to be on and get eth heaters that are of the best quality.
However, if you have a limited budget, you may want to stick with one type of heater. Either way, remember to be careful not to over or under size your heater. With proper sizing, you’ll enjoy the benefits of efficient heating without worrying about overheating.