If you’re new to juicing, the first thing you’ll need is…well…a juicer! There are two types of juicers: centrifugal (also known as fast) and masticating (also known as slow or cold-press). A centrifugal juicer is most likely the juicer you buy at the big box store. The drawbacks of these juicers are numerous: they are inefficient at extracting juice, they are ineffective at juicing leafy greens, they are extremely noisy, and some of these juicers get hot enough to break down the nutrients in the juice. What are the benefits of these juicers? They’re inexpensive, with one costing about $40. A centrifugal juicer can suffice if you only want to juice once in a while and not for nutritional reasons (such as cooking or baking).

A slow juicer, on the other hand, is the way to go if you really want to get into juicing and get the most flavor and nutrients out of your fruits and vegetables. Slow juicers are faster than centrifugal juicers, so the term “slow” is a misnomer.

If you want to incorporate more green juice into your diet, this is a good place to start. Cucumbers and celery are also high in water content, making them ideal for juicing. Green apple also adds a lot of sweetness and fruitiness to the juice. This juice is extremely hydrating and refreshing—ideal for the summer! Get your nutrients from dark, leafy greens while sipping a tropical-flavored juice! This is one of the juice recipes that isn’t suitable for centrifugal juicers, since they won’t be able to juice banana or kale leaves properly. In this vividly purple juice, the earthiness of beets is balanced out by sweet and fruity berries. If the flavor of standard purple beets is too intense for you, try golden beets, which are sweeter and milder in flavor. If you have a cold or the flu? The germ-fighting combination of lemon, orange, and ginger can give your immune system a boost. Begin your day with a fruity juice full of fruits and vegetables! This is one of the juice methods that isn’t advised for centrifugal juicers since they won’t be able to juice the bananas or kale leaves properly. This juice is bright and fruity, demonstrating the versatility of melons in fruit and vegetable juices. Add a leaf or two of fresh mint for a nice, refreshing twist.

Polyphenols, which are strong antioxidants that protect against the development of free radicals, are found in the majority of red fruits. They also aid in the proper circulation of blood. Furthermore, the high potassium content of this juice will help you replenish your energy while also preventing premature cell aging. 

Detox Green Lemon Juice Recipe contains safe ingredients that will help you cleanse the body of toxins (lemon, parsley, cucumber). Chlorophyll, a powerful nutrient in the blood stream, is also abundant in this juice. Kale is a green leafy vegetable that is high in vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients. Because of the good ingredients in this juice, you will be able to rid your body of toxins (lemon, parsley, cucumber). Chlorophyll, a powerful nutrient in the blood stream, is also abundant in this juice. Kale is a green leafy vegetable that is high in vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients.

Green Smoothie Juice is another green juice that will help you load up with fiber, chlorophyll, and a variety of other nutrients. This juice is a must-have for your weight-loss regimen. If your fruits and vegetables are organic, you can skip peeling the cucumber and pear and simply wash them thoroughly. If they aren’t organic, peel them and cut them into pieces with the rest of the ingredients. After that, put them through a juicer like OH! Juice. Combine the lemon juice and the water in a mixing bowl.

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Janice Martin is a professional journalist who loves to cover education, politics and social sciences. She is also a media influencer with 3 million followers.