Tired of seeing men with perfect abs on the television or out and about with perfect abs? Thought about doing something to get your own like that but have not been sure just how to go about it? Then hopefully this article will show you just how to get six-pack abs.

The Six-Pack Diet

As with trying to build muscle anywhere on the body, the diet is extremely important, even more so than the exercises themselves. If you are not eating the right way, you will not get the results for your abs that you want from the exercises that you do that you might be expecting after looking at HGH fat loss results.

First, you should make sure that you get plenty of carbohydrates. Not the normal white carbohydrates, of course, that is not healthy but the brown carbohydrates that are found in brown rice and brown wheat.


To specifically target your abs, you should be consuming lots of protein as soon as you can in the morning. The reason for doing this is quite simple so that you do not eat as much during the day. If you were to eat 35 grams of protein for breakfast it would not only make you less prone to feeling hungry but it will also give you the building blocks to building up muscle.

Whilst getting ripped abs is not overly about losing weight, you should still be aware that you have to lose a little bit of fat on your abdominals to expose the muscle underneath. So by eating less, you have a far better chance at achieving that. 

Whilst any breakfast in the morning will generally stop you from feeling hungry later in the morning, a breakfast packed with protein will stop you from being hungry for most of the day.

Avoid Junk

Make sure that you avoid processed foods at all costs. The calories obtained from processed foods will not give your body the sort of nutrients it requires to stay healthy. This is because junk food and processed food have had most of the nutrients taken out, resulting in an unhealthy meal. On top of that, these foods are then filled with unhealthy fats and lots of sugar.


Whilst food is important, water is equally important. You should be consuming lots of water whether your goal is to lose weight or to bulk up. Water also gives a boost to your metabolism, allowing you to burn fat more quickly. It has also been shown that those who drink at least 17 ounces of water every day are more likely to not feel the need for sugary drinks such as soda.

Healthy Fats

Healthy fats are those that are known as monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats and come from foods such as olive oils, peanuts, and fish oils. These help by leveling out your insulin levels, reducing the chances of your body starting any fat retention. They also help to keep you feeling full, as carbs and proteins on their own are likely to have you feeling hungry throughout the day.

Eat Regularly

The aim is to keep yourself not feeling hungry because once it does it starts to cling to the fat in your body. If you eat regularly but in small portions, you should never feel hungry. Instead of swallowing down on three big meals each day like normal, turn it into six smaller meals as this will ensure that you do not get hungry throughout the day and start chomping on a pizza.

The Six-Pack Workout

Now that you have the diet all sorted, you are now ready to get on with the other main part of getting some ripped abs. Hopefully, by now you have reduced the fat that is on top of your abs sufficiently enough that you can now start working on them.

When working out you should concentrate on your core muscles with a selection of exercises. Some of those exercises have been listed below and will help you to burn fat and build your abdominal muscles.

The Plank – Whilst you might think you should be concentrating solely on your abs, you should also be working on what is behind them too. That would be your back and this exercise actually works them both. It basically involves lying on your front on the floor and then using your back and abdominal muscles to lift the bottom half of your body up to the thighs off of the ground.

Whilst you might think you should be concentrating solely on your abs, you should also be working on what is behind them too. That would be your back and this exercise actually works them both. It basically involves lying on your front on the floor and then using your back and abdominal muscles to lift the bottom half of your body up to the thighs off of the ground. The Reverse Crunch – This exercise works the lower abs and is done by lying on your back with your feet in the air. You should then use your abs to bring your knees towards your head. You need to get your knees as close to your head as possible before you lower them back down.

This exercise works the lower abs and is done by lying on your back with your feet in the air. You should then use your abs to bring your knees towards your head. You need to get your knees as close to your head as possible before you lower them back down. The Bicycle – This exercise is great for your side and back muscles and is easily done by lying on your back with your legs in the air. You then rotate your legs in a motion as if you were on a bicycle.

Weight Training

Whilst you are aiming at getting some good abs, to achieve that you will need some strong pectorals and shoulders to achieve. In fact, your whole body should be worked out to get the desired results. You should be doing some light-weight training work to get all of these muscles up to speed as well.


Cardio is great at blasting any fat and should be used in conjunction with the other exercises mentioned above. It is important to get rid of fat and then work on the muscles after. Simply do a few short workouts of 30 minutes each week where you are swimming, jogging, or running and you should be getting those abs into good shape in no time at all.

That wraps up this article on how to get six-pack abs, with it hopefully answering all of your queries regarding fat burning and build up your abdominal muscles. Simply put, with hard work and a good diet you can easily achieve that washboard effect on your stomach.

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Janice Martin is a professional journalist who loves to cover education, politics and social sciences. She is also a media influencer with 3 million followers.