When teens make healthy changes to their diet and exercise routines during adolescence, such changes can help them maintain a lifelong healthy weight and lifestyle. It will also increase their awareness as they mature about how making healthy choices can improve and affect a person’s life and well-being, mentally and physically. Razalean reviews will help you know more about this weight loss pill and here a list of some of the most important factors that can help you with your exercise plan that I learned.


A teen’s doctor should be consulted before beginning a diet or exercise routine to determine proper weight loss and plan for any health conditions. Also, healthy weight loss should be accomplished through long-term lifestyle changes rather than dieting, because this will help teens maintain weight loss, according to TeensHealth.org.


According to HelpGuide.org, teens grow fast and their diets need to pay special attention to ensure they’re getting the nutrients their rate of growth requires. Boys need around 2,500 to 2,800 calories a day, and girls need around 2,200 calories a day. It is important that sufficient amounts of protein, calcium, and iron are included in a teen’s diet, says HelpGuide.org.


When engaging in a diet and exercise plan, teens should consider their current lifestyle and what they currently consume. It is important to determine what time of the day a teen will set aside for regular exercise and where he will exercise, whether in a fitness center or at home. Scheduling time for exercise into a teen’s daily routine will help him remain committed. Teens do not need to exercise all at once. Effective exercise can be accomplished in different segments throughout the day. Also, teens should choose an exercise they enjoy, such as running, swimming, or yoga. The specific exercise should be something the teen enjoys, which will help him maintain it. Also, a teen should increase his awareness about what he eats and when he eats it. This will help him effectively determine where dietary changes need to occur.


A teen’s exercise plan should include at least an hour of aerobic activity, which is any activity that increases the teen’s heart rate, says TeensHealth.org. Also, teens should include some strength-training activities, such as lifting free weights or doing push-ups, pull-ups or sit-ups. Building muscle will help increase a teen’s metabolism, which will cause her body to burn more calories. In addition, flexibility training, such as yoga, will help her maintain her flexibility, according to TeensHealth.org.


Including health foods in a teen’s diet can have a significant effect on his overall weight loss, increasing his energy levels and helping him stick to his exercise routine. TeenHealth.org says that teens should consume at least five fruits and vegetables a day, replace white bread with whole-grain bread, drink plenty of water, switch to low-fat or no-fat milk, and eat a healthy breakfast every day. Also, teens should eat smaller meals and healthy snacks throughout the day, which will help them keep from overeating at meals. Teens should avoid drinking sugary juices, sodas, or sports drinks because these contain high amounts of non-nutritional calories. Replacing them with water or diet drinks can reduce a teen’s calorie intake and induce weight loss, says TeensHealth.org.

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Janice Martin is a professional journalist who loves to cover education, politics and social sciences. She is also a media influencer with 3 million followers.